Endless possibilities? A discussion on the flexibility and scalability of AVoIP

Recorded at KitPlus Glasgow 10th October 2023. www.kitplusshow.co.uk with Ahmed Shalabi, Technical Design Consulting Engineer (Audinate), Bill Ward, Head of Broadcasting (The Scottish Parliament)

AV-over-IP (AVoIP) allows the distribution of audio, video, and control signals over local networks. It has gained significant adoption recently due to its cost savings, scalability, and flexibility compared to traditional systems. It addresses evolving needs and offers unprecedented flexibility. The debate revolves around whether AVoIP systems should have their dedicated network or share an existing one. With careful planning, it's possible to use existing networks, provided they have sufficient sustained bandwidth and security measures. However, successful AVoIP deployment necessitates a deep understanding of network design, configuration, and maintenance, as well as bridging the knowledge gap between AV and IT professionals. AVoIP is expected to continue growing as it meets the changing demands of the audio-visual industry.

Bill Ward, Head of Broadcasting at The Scottish Parliament will join Ahmed Shalabi for this session. Playing a key role in the day to day operation of one of the largest Dante installations in Europe (in terms of the number of Dante endpoints) Bill brings both real-world application and user experience to the debate.

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